Friday, September 11, 2020

Frosty Pineapple Pie

Frosty Pineapple Pie!  Sounds like a great way to beat back this horrid summer heat.
Reviewing the ad you may notice  πŸ „ "see opposite page for recipe" but since I found this ad out in random image internet land I didn't have access to the ingredients list.  Not having a recipe hasn't stopped me before, as I can just make it up.  I'm not that good with pies though and the best I could have done was vanilla ice cream with pineapple mixed in and placed in a prebaked pie crust.  I was also curious what was really in this pie.  Was it Cool Whip or maybe cottage cheese?   I did some internet searches and low and behold..I found the original recipe

Frosty Pineapple Pie:
Boil 1 1/4 cup crushed pineapple.  Stir in 1 pkg lemon jello til dissolved.  Mix in 3/4 to 1 cup sugar depending on sweetness of fruit.  Cool til stiff.

Whip stiff 1 cup undiluted carnation evaporated milk* with 1 tbsp lemon juice.  Pour on top of jello mixture.  Beat in slowly on low speed.  Pour into baked and cooled pie shell.  Chill at least 1 hour.

*To whip carnation, chill in fridge tray until soft crystals form 15-20 minutes.

Success tip: For a fluffy high pie be sure jello mixture is almost stiff and that the evaporated milk is whipped until it stands in stiff peaks.
🍍   πŸ   πŸ   πŸ

So the secret ingredient is evaporated milk!
I followed the "success tip" and my pie was a gorgeous fluffy high pie as the original image showed.  It unfortunately deflated as I didn't know that after making the pie it apparently should be stored in the freezer.  I put it in the fridge and it weeped a far amount of liquid along with the deflating.  As far as taste went it was ehh, kinda bland.  I may have been better off with the ice cream/ crushed pineapple idea I had originally.


  1. Your pie does look very nice indeed! Unfortunately, I really don't like pineapple! lol!

  2. I bet you could use a different canned fruit. Peaches would be good, but I think you may have mentioned to me before that DH doesn't like them....Hmmmm...What about mandarin oranges?
