Wednesday, September 09, 2020

Strawberry Long Cake

 Strawberry "Long Cake"!  It's the lazy version of short cakes.  It would seem to me that it would shorten baking time by not having to make individual cakes.  It would also shorten serving time by cutting steps for the stacking/layering construction.  Maybe it should be called Strawberry Short Cut Cake! 

{click image for recipe enlargement}

The bottom batter is typical cake, next layered with sweetened strawberries.  The final layer is a topping made of butter, sugar, and flour dolloped around, something I have never done before.

My cake had a few issues.  The strawberries could have used additional sugar as they were more tart than I like.
Also, I accidentally over-baked this dessert because I never set a timer.  I generally say it's done when it looks done.  The topping threw me off by looking underdone all the while the bottom was burning. At that point my nose kicked in (my other tool to tell if a dish is done) and clued me into the need to remove the cake from the oven.  That's just my quirky way of cooking.  I suggest you guys set a timer and taste your berries before putting them in the cake.  All things that a wise baker would do!


  1. That looks interesting, Mary. Kind of like a strawberry short cake cobbler. lol

  2. Well...Duh on me! It is cobbler-like isn't it?! I haven't made too many cobblers although I should because I love making their savory counterpart, the casserole!
