Tuesday, April 05, 2022

Baby PB Display

I have a small display cabinet in my living room that typically showcases our vintage Florida nick knacks but I decided in the new year to spice it up with having some rotating displays here and there.
Here is a baby PB theme for his birthday.

The vintage "It's a boy" announcements cards were bought by my mom.  I didn't want to know what I was having but I decided to let my mom know since she was wanting to buy stuff a head of time.  So during the ultrasound that showed the sex I had a little handmade card I gave to the midwife to fill out and seal.  My mom lived several states away so it was then mailed to her.  When I was going through her things last year I came across the little card.  I had never seen it before and it was a nice surprise.
Look at PB's widdle socks! 

The "Story of our Baby" is actually my mom's baby book.  The "My baby" rattle was mine but then PB's.  Check out the "Hankscraft Automobile Baby Bottle Warmer".  My mom got this for me just for a display piece for his nursery.  I used to keep his paciflowers (as he called them) in it until I saw it was lined with asbestos!  Good lord.... It's to blame for why he thinks ramen noodles are food.

This vintage "Thank Heavens for little boys" dress deal was a gift from my mom for PB's go home from the hospital outfit.  He only wore it for a brief time so I don't know what is up with all the staining.  I'll have to give it an oxicleaning or something.
There are lots of other little PB tidbits here...his arm band, diaper pins (yes, I cloth diapered when at home), pieces from floral arrangements, his swab etc caddie, and other little ephemera that I decorated his nursery with.
 To see more views of his nursery scoot over here.



  1. Everything is adorable! I collected baby stuff in hopes of having a baby, never happened and now I am too old! Everything here is great and the nursery set up was so cute!!

  2. What a sweet display, Mary!

    Happy Birthday to PB!
