Thursday, April 07, 2022

Breaking Birthday

This year for PB's birthday theme he chose a tv show called Breaking Bad.  I had never seen it before but knew it had a big following.  PB was really excited about the theme and we worked together (even had a secret shared pinterest board) because I knew nothing about it and no plans of bingeing it.  Luckily for me there are a good amount of other folks out there that had Breaking Bad themed parties so I could steal some ideas.  I would see something someone else did and then get it cleared by PB. Me: "This carwash.  Is it important?"  Him: "Not enough to be represented.".  Me:  'What about this pink bear?"  Him:  "Yeah.  Key piece."   And so it went till I felt I had a visual understanding.

Here's how it broke:

I made the bear from a free child's fleece beanie and an old sock!

Made the "Sky Blue" from this recipe.

For the eats:

The character Jessie loves Funyuns and gatorade.

Los Pollos Hermanos chicken .

Roof pizza (Bagel bites)

For his cake I tried to make it look like the main character's (Walter's) birthday breakfast of scrambled eggs and bacon only a cake version.  I made the "scrambled eggs" from pre-popped buttered popcorn mixed with melted marshmallows (rice crispies style) and the bacon is bacon just turkey bacon.  I'm telling you, popcorn crispies or what ever you want to call it, is where it is at!  It was so good, perfect sweet and salty mixture, even with the bacon mixed in.

Here is PB in Heisenberg mode. of the things PB wanted for his birthday was the show series on DVD.  
He had already watched it in entirety through some internet whatever dealio channel.
He then talks Mr. Husband into watching it with him, which wasn't a hard sell, since he loves TV like Homer Simpson does.  I can leave TV but it's right there in the living room so I join them.  Let me just warn you all, this show is full of pornography....not mother approved.  Aside from that the storyline is actually really good.  We are on season 4 right now so no spoilers from you all who have seen it!


  1. Looks like he had a great birthday!

    I've never seen Breaking Bad, but two years ago for Christmas my youngest got me a Breaking Bad themed cookbook because I like to cook and bake. Go figure. lol.

  2. I didn't know there was a Breaking Bad cookbook! There are a lot of food ideas I have picked up while watching the show. One show we just watched mentions banana and bacon cookies...gonna have to make them!
