Thursday, November 24, 2022

Gooble-Gobble Gobbler

For our Thanksgiving dessert this year I made this Mr. Gobbler coconut cake!

I didn't realize until after I had the icing on that I should have tinted it a caramel color. Mine looks kinda like a fancy hybrid free range snob turkey that you can only buy at Fresh Market.
I didn't have any black gumdrops or licorice on hand (because it's nasty) so I used a black button for the eye and fashioned him some legs out of chopsticks and hot glue.

This cake is the November offering from a vintage book of coconut cakes (Baker's Coconut Cut-up Cakes 1956) that I have made several of:


  1. One word...adorable! He looks very tasty!

  2. I tried out a different prefab cake mix (butter pecan) and used prefab cream cheese icing. He was super sweet! Mr. Husband loved it.
