Wednesday, April 05, 2023

Dino Wreath

Last year I bought a Halloween wreath on clearance at Target that had orange, black and white pom poms.  I was trying out transitioning each holiday/season into the next so for my Fall/Thanksgiving decor I wanted to incorporate more black/orange/Halloween.  To "autumn" up the cheap wreath I made some brown pom poms and added them in.  For Christmas I decided to do "Fallmas" and the wreath worked even through that season.  However now the overworked wreath has served it's time.  And truth be told even though it is cute and the colors were perfect I never could find the right spot for it.  I just have soooo much seasonal decor as it is.  After all the holidays passed I knew the wreath was on the chopping block edging toward being donated.

Also around about this time I was planning on making some sort of wreath for the back of my kitchen door that heads into the laundry room.  It was just this big bare curtain panel and needed a little something something.  My plans were all over the place of what I wanted it to be but I knew I was going to use items I already had.... and Hello!  I already had a wreath!  It just needed to be unseasonal-fied.

So to give it a year long look I added small pink pom poms and some plastic dinosaurs that I spray painted green and voila'...done!

Sorry for the crappy photos.  The spot where the wreath hangs is nothing but bad lighting however I wanted to show the wreath with the curtain contrast for the full effect.

{ Here is the Wreath Before.}

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