Tuesday, July 04, 2023

American Eaglet Coconut Cut-Up Cake


Happy  'Beef, Beer, BBQ' and Illegal Fireworks Day!  We are celebrating by keeping off the streets, away from the redneck numbskulls and with cake!

I have been slowly and sporadically working my way through making all the cakes from this 1956 Baker's Coconut Cut-Up Cakes Booklet and today bring you July's selection "American Eaglet".

I have decided to completely skip May and June's cakes as they are absolutely hideous, as seen below:

Not worth my time icing all of those crumbly raw edges for some weird abstract May Day pole contraption.

For the June cake we are suppose to believe this is a crown.
I usually like a challenge of making something weird and oddball but these two cakes are just boring and lame.
The May cake could have been a bottle of anti-anxiety pills for Mother's Day while the June cake could have been a 6 pack of Coor's for Father's Day.  Or a daisy for Mom and a pipe for Dad...whatever.

Here is a quick link list of all the other Cut-Up Cakes I've put together:

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