Sunday, October 14, 2007

baby vamp

i bought this sweet little red velvet baby dress at a thrift store for coco...
then sketched up a flame pattern, cut it out of vinyl along with a bow, and adhered it to the dress with fabric glue. much better! now she matches her daddy!

and to compliment the outfit, i am altering a pair of fishnet stockings to baby size.


  1. i could die of the cuteness!

  2. Oh my gosh that is the cutest thing I've seen in a long time. Well done!

  3. SOOOOOO wonderful altered kiddy clothes is the only way to go!

  4. that is, hands down, the COOLEST little girlie dress i have ever ever ever seen!!!! You are so creative in that twisted awesome way that i love sooo much...i am so glad you are back in blogland to inspire us!!!!
    I want to be you when i grow up! LOL!

  5. I wish my girls were still little so that I could shamelessly copy your idea. It is amazing!!!!!

  6. You really outdid yourself with this one! So fabulous!

  7. Cutest...dress...ever...I hope you post a pick of the fishnets...and then one of the lucky little lady in her outfit.

  8. yay! i'm soo glad you like it! i'll put up a photo when i get one (if her parents don't mind).

  9. what a fantastic job you did on that dress. i hope to see the little girl one day all decked out with her little fishnets on.

  10. I am stealing this idea even though I cant sew for my little niece!!!!

    this is great!
