Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Home Ec Youngstown Kitchen

This week on MHICTY it's "Back to School", mid century style.  In my last post I presented some of the adorable MC bits that still remain in PB's past middle school, which happened to also be my past middle school for the better part of 7th grade in the 1980s.  In my first semester there, I took an art class, and then in second semester I took (for only a month or so) HOME EC!!! In this amazing room outfitted with Youngstown Diana Steele Cabinetry and signature boomerang hardware!

There are about 3 full kitchen stations set up in the room.  I left the class (we moved a lot) right before we were going to do a sewing project which was apron!

Over the rest of my school years I never got another opportunity to take a Home Ec class.  They really aren't offered in schools anymore that I am aware of.  Even 'Future Homemakers of America' is now known by the politically correct and vastly boring name of 'Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America'. This room is still intact I am guessing because once every other year the school offers a class that has a small section on cooking, which I am willing to bet is the only school in our district that even does this.  I wanted PB to take that course for my own reasons of getting to volunteer and spend time in the room, but it didn't work out with his other class options.

These pictures were taken when PB was in 6th grade and this room happened to be his homeroom.  I had planned to come back and take much better photos but at the time I didn't realize the teachers moved to different class rooms several times during the school year.  The next set of teachers in this room were not part of his course schedule so these are the best photos I ever got.

It crosses my mind all the time that somewhere in an old storage area at the school is a box full of replacement handles...just sitting there.

It's a shame Home Ec isn't taught properly anymore.  I do my own mini summer class with PB which I call "Life Skillz" (using a 'z' because it's what old folks would think is the hip way to spell it!) that is my own home version of a Home Ec class.  We do a little bit of cooking, cleaning, and organizing around the house together in a teaching fashion.  Next summer we may do some sewing.  He doesn't like my "class", but he needs to know how to clean a bathroom and scramble an egg.

On the subject of Youngstown Kitchens, enjoy a couple of videos I found on Youtube featuring Diana in some form!

First is a 1953 fun sing-a-long for Youngstown Kitchens with a mention of The Diana Style cabinets.  Follow the bouncing ball and give 'em hell!:

And a 1951 Youngstown salesman educational film on how to demonstrate their dishwasher with  
hydro-brush action to Mr. and Mrs. Customer featuring a Diana goddess statue that comes to life, works for free and flirts with Mr. Allen, the promotions department manager and a good looking chap in Kansas City.  I think she may be a relative to Mr. B. Natural  since she also possesses powers to make things appear, disappear and with such a chipper attitude.
Next up, Home Ec, by the book!

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