Monday, August 13, 2018

Mid Century Middle School

Since it's "Back To School" around our house, I thought I would do a few mid century school posts for the week.  PB's middle school, which he just "graduated" from, happens to be mid century and still retains several amazing bits of mid century architecture.

There are gorgeous slate brick walls flanking the entry.

Most of the floors are terrazzo.

Many of the rooms have along the back wall a long shelf of aluminum edged 'Cracked Ice' Formica counter tops.

Another neat thing about PB's middle school is that I happened to go to middle school there myself a little over a half year when I was in 7th grade back in the 1980's.
It was at this school that I first took an art class.  At the time I wasn't into school too much but I loved my art class.  It was one of the only classes I always got recognition in (that and writing).  I remember doing a kaleidoscope repeating pattern project that I wrote "RAD" across it.  The pattern was very 1980's Memphis Design.  And of course "RAD" was the word all the cool kids said.  The teacher hung it up on a billboard near the lunchroom with a few other student's work. The billboard is still there and in 7th grade for PB he happened to have a recognition "Panther Paw" on it for the speech he made during his mock presidential election.   For writing, I wrote a Halloween story that was published in the school paper and a poem that was included in a district compilation.  I can't remember what the poem was about.  I did however come across the story while doing my KonMari Tidying.  It's tucked away in a storage bin so I can't access it right now.  Which might be for the best for you all!

During my first semester I took the Art class, then during my second semester I took....
One of my favorite rooms is coming up next!

side note:  I just noticed this is my 1000th post!

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