Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Roast Beast Zombies

For our Halloween dinner I made us some Zombie Roast Beast Sandwiches!

I used Telera Rolls from the bakery and cut a small wedge across just the top of them with a knife.  I then removed the wedge and hollowed out the section behind the face area.  I poked my finger through the eye socket areas and torn away little bits to make the eye holes the size to place cocktail onions in.   I then torn a thin layer of bread away for the mouth.  I diluted some black food coloring, which turned out looking green, but that works too!  I brushed the food coloring in the eye and mouth areas.  I then stuffed the brain section with roast beef and applied some of the food coloring to it for a moldy appearance.  Lastly I wedged the onion eyes in.  I had never had cocktail onions before...they are some nasty smelly/tasting things. I think I will be burying the rest of them out in the yard to keep away pests.

Image source: Sandwich Monsters

I was inspired by this cutie from Sandwich Monsters, which was a bread bowl with beef stew/goulash in it.  They have a bunch of neat Halloween inspired creations. The bacon wrapped mummy sandwich is the cutest!

Here are but a few past Halloween morbid menus:
Dem Bones Bread Sticks
Spider Bread
Cinnabone Skull
How To Cook Humans


  1. Too cute, Mary! I bet the fam loved it! I made a zombie hand (meatloaf) that got rave reviews :)

  2. Zombie hand meatloaf sounds awesome Jenn! That would be good with some mashed potato ghosts!
