Monday, December 23, 2019

Xmas Decor 2019

 This year's holiday decor has definitely overstuffed my kitschy Christmas stocking!  
Here are a few views of the dining room.

And the living room:

The Santa Shrine.

Robots attacking the Atomic Town.

Elf Shelf.

A corner near the back door that typically doesn't get decorated but since the collection has expanded so much, Christmas has now oozed to farther regions of the house!

The green shelf full of Christmas cheer!

Just when I think I can't do more or add more I find a way.  Since taking these pictures I have added silver garland to the front of the shelf edges and this area is now all super sparkly!

There are a few other spots I didn't get a chance to photo but jeez, isn't this enough?!
Too much?!

It's Christmas so I say the tackier and more overdone the better!
Maybe next year I'll look into carpeting my house in fake snow!


  1. There is a picture of me from Christmas when I was 2, holding a very similar blow up Santa like the one showcased under the table on the bottom right side of the green shelf. Now I just need to find it, just to check if my memory serves.

    - Vanessa

  2. That sounds like a fun photo! If you find it, display it in your home next season! Even better, if you don't have the blow up Santa anymore, source one from ebay and then use it to hold the photo! Good Luck Vanessa!

