Thursday, February 27, 2020

Pots and Projects Boiling Over!

For the next couple of months I am going to be busy with a bunch of projects and posting will be null to minimal.  Both PB and Mr. Husband Sir have birthdays upcoming, along with our anniversary and spring break.   And since that rodent had to not see his shadow, I am going to have to really hustle my yard work before the searing sun takes over causing me to need oven mits to wield a rake.

I may try to squeeze in a post or two when I get a "break", meaning I just mopped the floors and I am stuck until they dry.  But it's probably going to be crickets around here until I get a lid on everything.


  1. Well poop! I understand :) Good luck getting everything done! Can't wait until you blog about everything :) Happy Birthday to PB and Mr Husband Sir and Happy Anniversary to you!

  2. Thanks Jenn for letting me know I will be missed! This past week was a birthday party, a Comic Con, a parade, and filming for Nightmare Theatre. And I was sick.... Busy, busy!


  3. We hope you get some posts in! We'll miss reading about your adventures! (Rob)

  4. Hope you're feeling better, Mary!

  5. I have been feeling on and off for the past several weeks. Mostly headaches and fatigue, but nothing that puts me full out. I have days that I get a tremendous amount done and then I am down for the next few. Unfortunately right now is not a good time to be at Doctor offices.
    I hope all of you are staying safe and healthy!

