Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Festive Killarney Cake

Happy St. Paddy's Day (belated)!
My in-touch with calendars and dates has been a bit off lately and I honestly thought today was Pinch Me day.  Yesterday I pulled out my few bits of decor along with some other random stuff that I thought could work.  I had it all neatly stacked ready to go, then as Mr. Husband and I were winding down for the evening I happened to glance at the date and realized St. Patrick's Day had just passed us by!  I typically don't decorate or acknowledge the day too much but I wanted to do a little something since I have come across a few vintage pieces over the past couple of years.  Also injecting a bit of fun into life right now, given the current state of things, would be welcomed.
For our dessert tonight I made "Festive Killarney Cake"  brought to us by Aunt Jenny and Spry shortening.

Good Housekeeping Magazine March 1950

I only used Aunt Jenny's ad as a serving suggestion.  The cake is a prefab lemon mix and the icing is prefab tub.  The shamrocks on her cake are made from green gumdrops, which I didn't have on hand.  I did have a few patches of shamrocks growing in some of my potted plants though.  I think it turned out quite cute!

A wee bit O' decor!
Most St. Paddy days we are out of town because it usually falls during Spring Break.  Also doing an all encompassing decorating scheme for a single day is a bit much.  Over the past few years I have found a small bit of vintage St. Paddy day bits so I figured since we are all home bound right now I'd do it up.
Above is a wee gnome leprechaun I bought on ebay a few months back and the "A wish for St. Patrick's Day" cards I picked up at an estate sale.  I found the adorable fabric at Joann.  The mini cauldrons are from dollar tree and the gold and green beads are free from the Mardi Gras parade!

I got 6 of these large sized die cuts all at the same time from an estate sale several years ago.  I left up the regular decor and just piled all the green in front!

The table centerpiece is a Halloween cauldron, Mardi Gras beads, and a fuzzy green wreath from a thrift store along with precious little leprechaun guarding his gold.

I am afraid I am becoming that lady.  You know, that old lady that decorates for every single random and major holiday.  I guess it was bound to happen.  I already celebrate stuff like Sea Monkey Day so it's just the natural progression toward full fledged Grandma Holiday Decorating Extravaganzas.
I'll see you all at Easter!  I's that bad.

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