Saturday, April 04, 2020

An Easter Parade of posts!

I don't know what has come over me but I've gone Cadbury Creme Egg Crazy about vintage Easter stuff this year.  Easter has been offending me for the past 40 years because of it's pukey pastels and dorky modern decor (ie: bunny butt crappy crafts).  I love vintage stuffed animals and baby stuff, which I kinda see as Easter cross-overs. I can embrace cutesy vintage that is stained with age (dulls down that pastel!) and since Easter has a lot of vintage cutesy stainy going on I've come to embrace those kind of doo dads!
I started scouting stuff out about 2 months ago.  Thrifts in my area never have anything vintage Easter.  It's all walmart crap from the last 10 years.  Estate sales would have been a good option but they are scarce from the holidays til after Feb around these parts.  My only decent option was Ebay.  
Even with my cheapskate ways I was able to find several fun things which I will be presenting for the next several days.  One of which is not the adorable card seen above.  It's for "sale" on ebay for 360 bucks, free shipping!

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