Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Cracker Party

Just dropping in to share this fun idea I came up with...well, I didn't invent crackers or spread or combining the two, but I did turn it into a "party"!  Yes, a cracker party!
There's not much to it, which takes the pressure off.  All you need are crackers and toppers.

You can call them "canapes" if you want to get fancy.

I was trying to come up with something fun for PB and I to do one afternoon that involved a snack.
So I scoured the pantry and the fridge for little bits of this and that and set up the selection on a lazy susan.  I had peanut butter, raisins, marshmallows, jelly, some leftover hot dog chili, and a packet of cheese spread from an MRE we got way back in 2004 after Hurricane Ivan.  It was my last bit of MRE goodness left.  And it was still good, I tell you what!

We did some mixing and matching with the buffet of toppings.  I thought it was a blast because I haven't had a cracker for over a year much less hot dog chili since I have been on a diet.  PB wasn't too impressed and he said most of my offering tasted stale.  Huh.  I didn't notice but I don't mind eating stuff that should still be good.  Marshmallows can't have an expiration date nor jelly, or peanut butter...all of that stuff is bomb shelter goods!

Use the above image as a serving suggestion for your own party of leftovers and misfit toppers.  I think they used cat barf and a scrap of fishing bait, if you're lucky enough to have that in your pantry of course!

You can mix it up by using different types of crackers (sweet or savory) and make all sorts of spreads using up what ever you've got in the fast food condiment packet drawer in your kitchen!

Set up your cracker party buffet on an old checkerboard if you're feeling rowdy!

 If a cracker party isn't your thing then maybe a Toast n' Jam-boree?


  1. I think a cracker party sounds like fun, Mary! Cute idea :)

  2. thank jennilee!
    just trying to make do and have some fun!


  3. My childhood friends and I had cracker parties quite often through the 1970s. Ritz and Premium Saltines were favorites, with cream cheese, tuna, peanut butter, Armour dried beef and mustard. I remember doing this on snow days off school, and during favorite movies on the 4:00PM "early show" weekdays (Planet of the Apes, Omega Man, Paint Your Wagons, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum, etc), and "ABC After School Specials". Fun memories.

  4. My friends and I would make crazy milkshakes from junk in their fridges and dare each other to drink them when we had sleep overs. I think mustard was involved also!

