Monday, June 01, 2020

Macho Nacho Monday

  Back when life existed a few months ago, I would make nachos once a week, and typically on Monday.  It was a nice start to the week and it's a dish that is easy to put together.  Since it became a thing, I figured it needed a name...similar to Taco Tuesday, but not so overdone.  It's Nachos on a Monday...I had to work some alliteration in there, because you may have noticed from past posts...I'm kinda kooky for it.  Hence Macho Nacho Monday came into being!
The Macho part is inspiration from The Macho Man Randy Savage of World Wrestling Federation fame!

As many may recall he was the spokesperson for "Snappin' into a Slim Jim" for several years.  And Slim Jim happens to make a nacho flavored snack stick!

It's a tag team of flavor!

The recipe for my Macho Nachos involves many layers of baked tortilla chips, taco seasoned ground turkey, black beans, rotel, spanish style brown rice, queso dip, green onions, black olives, corn, baked garbanzo beans, hot sauce and some chopped up slim jims. 
You could 'macho' it up even more with some no holds barred moves you smack down yourself!

The other feature that adds to the ambiance is for everyone to talk like The Macho Man during the meal!
"Ohhhhh....Yeeeeaaahhhhh! Pass the sour cream..because you know....I'm the cream of the crop!  No one tops the Macho Man Randy Savage!!"

A Tag Team of past posts power-slammed below!:

Lunch time, Ring side!
Have a Nice (Birth)day! Mick Foley style!

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