Saturday, December 30, 2006

christmas gifties! stuff i made...

here are some of the christmas gifts i made for the fam and friends:

2006 edition pumpkinbutt ornaments:

an altered purse for my mom. i bought the black gingham purse at target and added a pocket to it of her hollywood heart throb, trace adkins, using iron on trasfer paper. i also made her a matching headband.

below are simple cardstock magnets i made for my mom as well. they are copies from stickers made by blue Q. i got the idea to do these from my friend heather, as she made me some for christmas last year.

As i have mentioned before i am currently in school finishing up my bachelor's degree in fine art (which is why "the house" here is a bit dusty) . my emphasis is in ceramic sculpture. i decide to make some pieces for the fam this year, even if they didn't really get it. they are platters but also function as wall art as well. it's hard to tell in the pictures but they have curved middle/edges and two oppesite sides wrap under to become the legs/wall attachment point.

the two below are smaller sushi platters:

i am really happy with the way they turned out and am now going to use this idea for a series of wall hangings for my final show. I think they lend themselves toward a fossil/relic look so i am going to work with that. i'm not sure if it was clear or not but the images on the platters are of women's bras. All of my work has to do with personal space and thoughts/emotions. I use a number of tangible items as metaphors for this, one being female undergarments. I choose bras for the fact that they are very personal being close to the skin and the fact that they are revealing but not entirely, like my pieces are. I am also into the idea of layers. Personal thoughts are often hidden under many layers as personal garments are. i generally portray this concept of layers through my work visually by having the surface treatment appear old and stripped down. hopefully this little explanation helps get across some of what i am going for.


  1. I love your work!

  2. Wow Mary! Your sculptures are fantastic!

    Looks like you had a nice holiday! :)

  3. I thought those were bras...Very cool. I really like the second one posted. Keep up the good work.

  4. Your art work is really amazing. After hearing your description all those months ago when you were brainstorming ideas and now seeing the final product... it is totally awsome.
    dixie doll love,

  5. Beautiful work!

    (why oh why is it that everytime I visit your site I'm listening to either Hank Williams Sr. or Tom Waits?)

  6. I am amazed!!!! the ghost-bras on the platters are really really truly beautiful. Great work!

  7. Wow, I love these - really fantastic and your description of the meaning behind them is perfect. Think at any point you'll be selling them? I especially like the one (2nd one I believe) that looks like a fossil.

    Keep up the great work! Missy
