Monday, November 12, 2018

Nightmare Theatre Plan 9

"Can your heart stand the shocking truth?!"

As I have mentioned a few times, Mr. Husband Sir has been a horror host for nearly 20 years, for a show called Nightmare Theatre.  After finding backers and getting in with the local PBS station, the show is now being aired looking all spiffy and fancy-like.

To launch the newest season of Nightmare Theatre, the television station hosted a live kickoff event.  Lots of fun stuff to see and do, along with getting to watch one of my favorite Ed Wood films, Plan 9 From Outer Space!

Here is a photo of the auditorium and them setting up. They did a live segment at the beginning of the movie and then had the other prerecorded segments within the movie on the big screen.

Starting things off with some live music!
Nik Flagstar and his Dirty Mangy Dogs wrote the new intro song and performed it live along with a few other monster/gore related songs of theirs such as "A friend will help you move...but a true friend will help you move the body", which is a sing-a-long!  They also gave out free CDs with that night's special playlist and stickers.

Another activity was touring and taking photos on the set.  There was also a large selection of movie props from the Merrill Movie Museum (a backer) to be viewed in another adjoining space.

Here is a cast photo, particular for the Plan 9 episode.

Mr. Husband Sir and I got our picture taken on the set that night as well.  I dressed in Mexican attire to complement Mr. Husband who plays a Mexican Wrestler named El Sapo on the show.  I even made an El Sapo brooch to wear!

Here are a few fun photos from the shooting day of Plan 9.
Above is an image of the cemetery from the original film with it's very obviously fake tombstones...and fake Bela. 

Here is a set I put together for a segment of the show playing off the same idea.  They used a green screen and had trees and the dark night sky placed in.  At the end of the segment Mittens the Werewolf  knocks over a tombstone (on purpose) as a reference to the movie. 

"You are interested in the future..."
Criswell, who does the narration in the beginning and end of the original movie, also plays a role in Nightmare Theatre's segments. Through several attempts, The NMT crew bring Criswell back to life to ask him what the heck was going on in the movie, Plan 9.

The executive producer and long time friend of mine, Brent, played the role of Criswell.  

I did his hair and am pretty proud of that hair swirl!

There was also a costume contest resulting in a little kid winning dressed up as Mittens the Werewolf, complete with a little 'Wolfie" stuffed toy!

The station is still working out all the legal mumbo jumbo and technical aspects, but once episodes are available for folks outside the viewing area to watch online, I'll put up a link.

In the meantime enjoy these past posts for more Nightmare Theatre satisfaction!
Nightmare Theatre Revived
Tears of Shame
Horror Host Fame
Crafty Wares Selling Suitcase 2018
El Sapo lassos the moon 2017
Criswell Predicts 2007
Scrap Crafty T-Shirt Corset 2006

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