Saturday, December 21, 2019

Drum roll!

{New Holiday finds for this season}

The crown jewel of finds for this holiday season!
A 6 foot aluminum Christmas tree!

Go grab your heart meds because when I reveal the price you're gonna need them or you'll be joining Elizabeth Sanford in heaven!

Mr. Husband and I found the tree at this estate sale in the summer. It's missing the box, the protective paper sleeves for the branches, and the stand.  All things that are either not necessary or can be easily replaced.  All the branches are there and the trunk pieces.

Sit down now.
It was one dollar.

It was an estate sale that everything was one dollar or less, no matter what it was.  Like I mentioned in the estate sale post back in September, the garage hadn't been set up yet for the sale but we didn't mind digging so we got first dibs.

This post is also to show a nifty way to light up an aluminum tree.  Color wheels are great and all but I still think they are lacking in illumination.  Putting string lights on these kind of trees looks horrific and I believe it's a safety issue.

I came up with a solution!
I bought these itty bitty led lights on major clearance at target last year.  They are silver wire so they blend in with the tree.  I wrapped them around the bare trunk and then put in the branches.
Radiance and gleam from within!

There were also sets of these kind of lights that would change colors (like an internal color wheel!)  or could be set to one solid color.

I still need to tweak it a bit because it is a little bright in some spots.  I may reposition some of the lights or cover some of the bulbs up.  It's heading in a good direction though.
Here is a pic of the box for the lights:

I already have a 6 foot aluminum tree but even though it's a wild idea, I am hoping to eventually collect up enough aluminum trees (even if I have to borrow some from friends and family) to put together my own mini version of ATOM (Aluminum Christmas Tree Museum) in my town one day.

My mom and I got to be a part of ATOM in 2015 and 2016 with several sets of our decorations.

Check out the aluminum goodness below!
ATOM 2015
ATOM 2015~ Andy Griffith Show Tree
ATOM 2015~ Deck the Halls with Buddy Holly Tree
ATOM 2015~It's a Wonderful Life Tree

ATOM 2016

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