Friday, June 26, 2020

Mr. Bubble take me away!

{image photoshopping by PB}

I hope you all enjoyed MHiCTy's 15 year Pinktastic Blogiversary extended event!

I am going to take a week long soak with Mr. Bubble and a spicy romance book as soon as I can get Bernice out of my tub!
She accidental dumped strawberry and ham ice cream soup all over herself at the party and has been splish splashing in here ever since.

Thank you for joining me during these last 15 years of snark and silliness!

If you find yourself  looking for more blogiversary action, hop on over to these past shindigs:

13 year:
Blogiversary Tupperware Party 2018

10 year:
Decennial Intro, 10 year Blogiversary 2015
Decennial Post II: Sit a Spell, Q&A
Decennial Post III: Apron Craft-a-Long
Decennial Post IV: What's Cooking? Apron and Recipe Swap
Decennial Post V: Writing For Swapatorium
Decennial Post VI: 15 Minutes of Fame
Decennial Post VII: The Lost Episode(post)
Decennial Post VIII: The Theme is Themes
Decennial Post IX: Recipe Card Box
Decennial Post X: 10 Year Blogiversary Gala Event!

First year:
1 year Blogiversary 2006


  1. I used to use Mr Bubbles until I found out I was allergic to bubble bath :(

    Happy Anniversary again, Mary!

  2. Too bad about you and Mr. Bubbles! I don't always use true bubble bath. I usually squirt a few of those hotel shampoo or body bath bottles into my tub. They don't hold out for a long soak but it's enough for me!

    Thanks for reading and commenting as much as you do, Jennilee! I really appreciate it!

