let's start with some lovely appetizers! Please have as many as you like! I made sure to make one of Barb's favorites, Cock Kabobs with cocktail sauce!

and if you don't see something at the table above please try a sample from this one below...."serve yourself sundaes" and "creamed ham in potato cups" go so well together! What's the brown carcass surrounded by pineapple rings, you ask? umm.. well the word 'savory' was involved in the title of the recipe.. isn't that enough for you? Eat up! I don't want any leftovers hanging around or crawling away!
And for our party craft project we will be making this "lovely" scrap craft housewife from kitchen cleaning apparatuses and trims! ahhh... so sweet and not a bit creepy!
For dessert I churned out a number of jellied bavarians, minted snows, puffy whips and sparkling gelatin molds! Yes, you sure can have seconds on the pineapple and prune frozen dessert, I made extra just for you!

ahhh! This was the easiest party for me to plan and clean up after! Thanks for coming!
And now a little peek at where I really make all my dishes!
A tour of my kitchen!

View into the laundry room. The vintage refrigerator doesn't work.. well not unless call working when you plug it in and turn the knob and it shocks you....Storing cleaning supplies in it (unplugged) is turning out much better for me. That Kitty Girl sneaks into many a picture.

I didn't photograph everything in the kitchen... Didn't want to keep you all out too late, I noticed a few of you nodding off!
Again, thanks for coming by for the MHICTY shindig!
Thanks to everyone that reads and comments so I know I am not alone in my domestic undertaking adventures!
you've stolen my dream kitchen! :P
Happy Blogiversary...I had a great time at the party!
Congratulations! can't wait to see year 2 of your blog. I loved the tour of your kitchen and all-- what a great collection!
Congratulations on your anniversary :-) I LOVE your kitchen! ... and "Gay Melodies in Gelatin Desserts" - it just doesn't get much better than that!
Yeah, well I couldn't possibly eat another bite. Ok, maybe I could squeeze in some minted bavarian, as long as the doll of Frankenstein serves it to me in the sieve.
ps. cute ninja cat.
Love the kitchen, thanks for the tour, do we get to see more of the house at a later date?
You ain't lyin' -- your house really IS cuter than mine. Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful pictures, and happy blogiversary!
Happy blogiversary! I just love reading your blog. I can't tell you how much it makes me laugh. Congrats!
my kitchen envy is overwhelming!
happy blog birthday
Fabulous party! Although anything involving jello creeps me out a bit. Love your blog and your kitchen!
Stepping out of reclusion to wish you a happy blogiversary, darlin'! I took some extra "Savory" home to my little Chuy, but he ran away with his tail between his legs, and hid out under the couch for at least an hour. What was that, anyway?
Thank you so much for your fresh look at all things housewife-y!
Greetings my darlings! Glad you are enjoying yourselves at the party! Forgot to tell you, there's jello shotters in the real fridge in an array of toxic hues! Help yourselves!
Miss bliss~ i had it planned in my head that i was going to put up pics of the whole house but none came out to my liking... then i thought, i'll just do one room a year on MHICTY's blogiversery! That would mean i don't have to clean but one room a year,right? ha ha!
Jennifer!~ so glad to hear from you! "savory" looks like armidillo roadkill to me but it's actually "Savory Roast Ham". Send Chuy my reguards!
Love your kitchen!
Happy blogaversary! I am low-tech amish woman when it comes to computers.But I had to take the time to hunt and pick out a greeting on your special day.MHICTY's is my goto blog to be inspired by.Your family is very lucky. jungle dream pagoda
I am in love, and his name is your kitchen
Congratulations on your blogiversary! The funniest housewife in blogland!
Love the kitchen! Just wanted to say "hi" since I'm a frequent reader, but have never commented. Keep those great vintage recipes coming! Happy Blogversary!
I enjoy visiting your "housewifey" site. Happy Blogiversary. That was the best virtual party ever!
I love your kitchen and bolg I 'm so glad you've been around this past year keep up the great blogging!!
I have a display cabinet that looks very similar to yours. When I got it it was about the same color too but had alot of rust on it. After much sanding and some red paint it looks like this....
Happy first anniversary! I love your blog, check it often, and smile a lot!
The pineapple and prune whip was delish, by the way. ;-)
*Swoon* Your kitchen is sooo divine! And your choice in party treats is simply to die for. Happy Blogiversary!
Holy Moley! Happy Blogiversary, kiddo! Mighty fine looking pad you got there—would love to sit and look at all the fun stuff all day long.
Congrats, and here's to many more!
great party! you truly are a domestic goddess! great food AND a chance to get a tour of your kitchen. who could ask for more? well, me, actually. when do we get to see the rest of your house? thanks again & congrats on your blogiversary ;)
I had a wonderful time at your party - and your house really is cuter than mine!
Absolutely love your blog!! I collect 1950's Better Homes & Gardens cookbooks, but have never tried anything, just love the pics. I also love your approach to ALL THINGS HOUSEWIFEY!! This blog is definitely going on my favorites list!
Happy Blogiversary!
And you are absolutely right....your house is DEFINITELY cuter than mine. I want to be you when i grow up! :) You are just too cool for school! :)
happy blogiversary! i lurk around all the time and thoroughly enjoy the site. cheers!
I have platters just like the one you have over your oven! and a big boy in the living room!
Love your kitchen and the yummy food
I never saw fighting roosters, now I must look for them
Great kitchen. And so clean!
Your house is very cute indeed.
You are a housewifey after mine own heart - Happy First Blog Year!
Just finished reading a 1937 women's group church cookbook I scored at a garage sale today and thought of you :-)
We'll have to swap recipes - interested in Grape Juice Meringue Pie?
Happy Blogversary. You are just too cool for school!
Happy 1 year anniversary MHICTY!!!
What a fab party too, I loved everything and am completely stuffed. So full I may have to barf on the way home, but don't worry, it wasn't the food or anything.
Your kitchen is amazing, I love everytime we get a peek of it. Collections are so much fun to maintain.
Here's to many more years!
Happy Anniversary!!!
And once again, congratulations for such beautiful blog, great food and lovely kitchen. :-)
happy blogiversary!!
your kitchen is just wonderful and i love your blog and everything you do! :) here's to another year!
swell party! can't wait for the next one.
Happy A.
LOVE IT ALLLLL....Happy Blogiversary to you....
Congrats on your first year!! I know year 2 will be even better. I look at your blog just about every morning after work, especially after having a bad night at the "Big House"!!! It makes me smile and laugh....First because it's MY little angel from Heaven who's doing such a wonderful job on this blog...and secondly.....because you are just too damn cute!!!!! Love you Bunches and Bunches, Mom
well this is definately YOUR AMAZING KITCHEN!!! luv luv luv it!
im waving my apron at you =)
Happy anniversary - the tour of your kitchen was fabulous as well as the fantastic food. Although I have to admit some disappointment over the lack of big ass apple pie. Perhaps next year?
Just in case you didn't know, I just saw a reference to your blog on www.shelterrific.com. Very cool!
You have the cutest kitchen EVER, you cook all the crazy recipes that I have always wanted to try, and your mom is adorable. It's kinda crazy awesome. Happy Blogiversary!
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