Greetings from Springfield,_____ USA!
Orlando,FL Universal Studios that is!
We just got back from seeing the Simpsons Expansion!
Kang & Kodos' Twirl 'N' Hurl
And the townscape has been increased from not just the Kwik-E-Mart but to several other familiar sites!
Duff Beer Garden
(complete with the seven duffs: Sleazy, Queazy, Edgy, Surly, Tipsy, Remorseful, and Dizzy)
Bumblebee Man's Taco Truck
Inside is a bar area where you can get a Flaming Moe (no cough syrup though, gotta bring your own!)
Love Tester! It works and is for free!
YES!!! Lard Lad awesome statue!
We bought a Lard Lad Ginormous Donut, "The Big Pink" for 5 bucks! It was super yummy!
Me chillin' with the Mil!
These photos are only a tiny bit of what is there. Inside Moe's is a large life-sized Barney with a beer mug, outside is Chief Wiggum and his cop car crashed into a fire hydrant, Jebediah Springfield statue, Duffman, human costumed Simpson's characters for photo ops, several eateries, Buzz Cola and yes, even wadded beef....