Thursday, March 29, 2018

Corn and Stuff...Thimble Corn Pie

"Oh we can't have a big can of corn for dinner!!"

My most favorite modern sitcom is back for a short run!


I have mentioned a few times how much I love the show:

 I bought Season one on DVD in 2005.  I had received a gift card for my birthday and was adamant I was going to use it to buy stuff that was practical and I needed.  When I came home with Roseanne on DVD it was certainly questioned as a useful item.  But it is!  I have long since then acquired the complete series and Mr. Husband and I have watched it beginning to end many times.  

Roseanne Halloween shows are legendary.   We were inspired by season 3 when we went as Lumberjacks: Lumberjacking 2012 .

In that post I paid tribute to Roseanne...The ultimate Domestic Goddess!  

And lastly, if this doesn't cement my admiration for the show nothing will.
I call my son PB (Pumpkinbutt) as a reference to Roseanne sitcom.  In season one episode 11, Jackie called DJ "Pumpkinbutt" and I loved it.  My son has been called Pumpkinbutt for the entire run of this blog, since 2005.

Once the news hit that the show was going to have a reboot I was so excited and also a bit nervous.  I love that show and didn't want the return to just be a watered down parody of the former characters. As I was eagerly awaiting the return, plans had to be made.  We don't watch TV, per se. We own a TV but it can go months without even being turned on.  We don't have cable, netflicks, or even a converter antennae, much less any of the other 'bingey' mind numbing stuff out there.  We watch DVDs when we do watch something.  So arrangements had to be made to marvel at a real modern functioning TV.  I also had to make a Roseanne inspired dish to celebrate.  As many fans know, during the first season corn was mentioned in every episode.  I decided to make a vintage recipe, Thimble Corn Pie! To Roseanne-up my photos, I used a knitted throw that is exactly like the one on Dan and Roseanne's bed along with the classic Godzilla toy always seen on the console table behind the couch.

Thimble Corn Pie is called this because you use a thimble to make the tiny pie crust dots on the top.  I used my one and only vintage The Magic Garden Beauty Salon thimble.  The ingredients all are normal items: cheese, eggs, milk, cracker crumbs..but it just didn't taste so great.  I think it's because I had forgotten I am not a big fan of creamed corn.  I hadn't had it since I was a kid and thought my more mature tastes would appreciate it in present day.  Mine didn't and neither did the fam's.  Well at least it still looked spectacular! 

As for the new first two episodes of Roseanne that have aired I was not disappointed as I was with Thimble Corn Pie. I laughed, I cried, and I heard old references.  I had hoped for a corn reference but there wasn't one, sadly.  Maybe the writers had eaten a slice of Thimble Corn Pie before the scripts were done and decided corn was not to be messed with.

A Roseanne bonus:
I found Show Scripts for season 1-8 and season 10 thus far...why no season 9?  I know it was a bit bizarre at points but the series finale is one of the best in history!

5/30/2018 Disclaimer:  Because of recent unpleasantness involving a member of the cast, I wanted to make it clear that I am a fan of the original show Roseanne.  I do not approve or endorse what people say, do, or believe in their personal lives that involves negativity and hate. 

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