Monday, November 10, 2014

Atomic Age Stuff

The fam and I had an Atomic Blast party several months back. (The many links to it are below)
And then just a month ago there was an entire museum presentation with artifacts, lectures, and even a movie screening of  Dr. Strangelove or How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love the Bomb in our town!

Living with the Atomic Bomb

The best part is the exhibit is on tour! Check the dates through the link above to see if it is coming near you!
The exhibition explores the ways in which Americans experienced the atomic threat as part of their daily lives: at school, in the home, and even at play, in the two decades following the 1945 bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki Japan.  The exhibit features 75 original objects from the era, as well as large-scale graphics, radio broadcasts and film. 
Some cities the exhibit tours through are having panel discussions, community forums and storytelling events, oral history and film screenings of such classics as The Day The Earth Stood Still and Invasion of the Body Snatchers.


One area of the exhibit was set up like a class room, with a film loop of  "Duck and Cover" being played.

The back of the chalkboard had images from a children's safety booklet of "Duck and Cover" with Bert the Turtle.

Vintage image of Duck and Cover in action.

Child focused informational booklets and handouts from the Atomic Era.

Atomic Toys!

Atomic pistols and an Air-Raid board game.

Fall Out Shelter Paper Dolls!

Atomic inspired housewares.

YES!  Kix Atomic "Bomb" Ring!

Air-Raid Watch Team.

Fall Out Shelter paraphernalia. 

Photo op with Miss Atomic Blast!

Mr. Civil Defense.  Does his illustration style seem familiar? 

It should.  Artist Al Capp of Lil' Abner fame illustrated him!

Here are the links to our Atomic Blast Shindig:
Having A Blast
See us relive before and after shots of the 1955 Atomic Blast of Survival Town, Las Vegas

Fallout Frosting and Canned Water
Atomic Blast Mushroom Cloud Cake

Miss Atomic Blast
And the winner is.....!

Duck and Cover
Public Service Announcements, instructional films, and Bert himself presenting "Duck and Cover"

National Atomic Testing Museum
In beautiful ground zero...Las Vegas!

Wrap up

Grab your Geiger counter and head for the nearest showing of this exhibit!


  1. This is interesting. I enjoy those old photos. I never knew that America used to have drills on atomic bombing. But hiding under the desks wouldn't help much if there were a real attack. It's very interesting practice in schools. When did this stop?

  2. I actually learned that answer at the lecture! It stopped during the mid 60s. Vietnam war...Hippies...Free love. Other such things moved to the front of America's mind.

    And yes, those school desks and "Duck and Cover" were not going to help!

