Tuesday, October 27, 2020

The Sinister Shack 2020

So, it's Halloween, my fav-o-rite holiday...
But with this stank tank of a year I thought about skipping out on it.  However I pushed forward for the sake of the ghastly ghouls that share this crypt with me.
  Even with my not feeling it this year I did do a few changes that bump it up from last year's look.  The blow mold line up on the sideboard seen above is my favorite arrangement yet.

I usually call this area the "Mad Scientist Mortuary".  This year I decided to put most of the skeleton/skull items here.  I think next year I will also include some of our vintage glass lab equipment.

On top of the record cabinet I placed several of our past Halloween photos along with some Universal Monster bits.

Something new this year is a Haunted Mansion vignette featuring our Hitchhiking Ghosts costumes portrait along with my DIY Madame Leota.

I also decorated the green shelf differently this year.  It usually showcases all of our past portraits of family costumes.  Since our vintage Halloween collection has begun to expand some I put those items on the shelf and the portraits in various other spots in the living room.

 The wall and surrounding area could use more work, I'm not all that pleased with it...eh, next year.

A close up of the green shelf.

I threw this garland together while trying to come up with a new way to display my collection of vintage Halloween napkins. I decided to clip them onto a pom pom garland a friend gave me last season.  I thought it worked out really well since the garland had large spaces in-between pom poms, kinda like something needed to be there.

Lastly, here is Witchy Poo with her new do in the hard to photograph back lit corner of the dining room.

👻  👻  👻  👻

Creep through the Demented Decor of the Past:


  1. It looks great, Mary! You did way better than I did. I bought some stuff thinking I would put it up because we need *something* to pep up this year, and never did anything with it. Next year!

  2. Everything looks great! We did nothing this year. We moved all our stuff into storage because the landlord took one half of the garage and the pandemic just has us worn out! I love everything you did! I love Halloween so much and you have such great Decorations!

  3. Thank you both for your kind words! I am still stumbling through this Halloween trying to do something/anything hoping it will lift our (and MHICTy readers) spirits.

    Happy Halloween to you guys and the fams! I think the easiest merriment boost is to get everyone in the house their own big bag of their favorite candy. Stay in, gorge, and watch a favorite nostalgic Halloween show or movie, turn the lights off and light some candles for cheap spooky ambiance...and stay away from news feeds for the day.

