Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Halloween Last Call

and Goooooodbye!
This Halloween season really seemed to whooosh by this year.  I try to squeeze in as much spooky goodness as I can though.  Here are a few straggler activities.

We went to our favorite neighborhood pumpkin patch, which we have visited every year since PB was in kindergarten.  It is were he gets to pick out his own little pumpkin and after it's demise he keeps it's stem.
I really loved their hand painted signs this year. 

PB and I volunteered at the library to help patrons make 'zombie dolls'.  The library supplied an assortment of small dolls and accessories, along with markers and paints.  The creepiest one was made by a 4 year old girl of a bloody painted baby in a tiny carriage.  Very disturbing.

I made a big vat of Witch's Cauldron Cake for Mr. Husband Sir's coworkers using up my jar of maggot cookies.

PB decided he wanted to go trick or treating again this year for really the second time in his life.  I told him he better take advantage of the free hand outs before he becomes too manly looking.  We repeated the idea I had last year.  I decorated the interior of my Doom Buggy (SUV) halloweeny and played The Haunted Mansion soundtrack on the cd player.  I put the truck hatch down so the boys could ride on the tailgate around the neighborhood for easy access to beckoning lit porches.  I was really excited to see so many kids and parents dressed up this year.  Our family Halloween costumes, Killers from Space posed a bit of a safety hazard with the big fake eyeballs rendering us sightless so a plan B had to be put into place... lumberjacking part 2:

We dressed up as lumberjacks back when PB was 7 years old.  We still had the logs, beanies, and beards (Mr. Husband came by his natural).  The plastic ax was from Old Man Rimshaw and the shirts are PJ tops.  (PB wore his another time when meeting Mick Foley).  Last year I dressed up as a lumberjill to snag a KFC Halloween Trick or Treat bucket, which PB used this year for candy collecting.

Lastly, Nightmare Theatre ran a screening of Rocky Horror at a local music venue, as they have been doing for 20 years now. My horror of the evening was getting to see one of PB's middle school male teachers wearing a golden pair of speedos along with an apron portraying a realistic illustration of a naked man on it.

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