okay, so here is a quick run down of supplies/tools and such.
you will need: interesting box, paper cut to size (a smidge smaller than the covers, and as much as your stapler can handle going through), stapler, glue, decorative papers and other embellishments of your choice.
the how-to:
the box....
only a serving suggestion mind you.
only a serving suggestion mind you.

cut away sides and bottom flaps (discards shown to the right), leaving front and back of box along with the attached top flaps (see left).

this is the part i have a hard time explaining. with front and back covers facing each other insert pages in between top flaps (which have been folded inward). staple in place.

disguise boring inside of covers and flaps by gluing down decorative paper cut to size. for me, i feel you just can't get anymore decorative than black! shown in this image i used pinking shears on the edges of the pages.

the finished product.
at this point adding embellishments could be an option. glitter is always nice.

and there you have it...
Good idea. I could use a good memo pad, to take notes on. As I search for my friend Gnomey.
Cool! I'm going to have to give it a try. I've got a swap comming up and it would be great to include one of those!
like it, love it, have to make it!
Dewd - you haven't received your copy yet? I got mine 2 weeks ago! Your write-up was very nice. No instructional photos as you suspected, but the directions seem easy to follow.
So when can I get my copy autographed?
that is so cute!
What a clever idea!
okay, that's awesome!
Great idea! You know I have to make me some!
Love it!
The link do not work to get to the project. Please let me know.
I know I'm super late reading/commenting here (just discovered your blog) but what a fun idea! A great way to recycle and be super cute at the same time!
Thanks! I posted another blog with a link to this page. :)
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