This is a wedding cake that I did for a friend~Josh. I based the design after Sailor Jerry tattoo flash. It is the first cake I v'e ever really decorated using tips and such. The banner and the swallows are made out of marshmallow foundant.
recipe for the marshmallow fondant:
1 cup mini marshmallows ~ 1 tBSP water~ ass load of powdered sugar
put marshmallows and water together in a microwavable dish . microwave a few seconds at a time , stiring in between every few seconds. When mixture is smooth start stiring small amounts of powdered suger until becomes a dough. Roll out on a powder sugar surface. Experiment with what you want to do with it. This foundant is not recomended to be used to cover an entire cake. It really only works for cut outs for cupcakes. I was taking it to an extreme by using it for the banner here. I also put a coat of white glaze over the top of it to hide all the creases and wrinkles.
i just surfed a bit and found your blog... the cake looks great! i'm really impressed! maybe you'd do one for me, too, if i marry in a few years? ;-)
Wow, that looks like one fabulous cake - yum!
Marshmallow fondant works great for covering cakes. Just add a little corn syrup to the melted marshmallows before beginning to add the powdered sugar in. Hope this helps!
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