for instance, this cake:

there is also a chapter on crafts for hostess gifts... most are scrap craft kinda stuff and very goofy. she mentions in her book belonging to a craft club, the crafty beavers, where they make stuff while under influences that they give to nursing home patients as decor for their trays. i like that idea.

her book also gives a glimpse into her personality and how she has fun with ordinary situations. she sells cupcakes to her friends for 25 cents when they come to visit. she has movie nights where she sets up a concession stand on an ironing board. she tells of beauty secrets such as to keep color on your lips after your lipstick wears off stain your lips prior with a cherry popsicle. she also recounts past family traditions such as when she was younger on her brother's birthday he requested eating duck but also requested that the rest of the family eat just spanish rice so they would envy him. now that's funny. she gives out helpful hints like "cashiers will notice patterns like ice cream at midnight three days in a row. the same is true for liquor. rotate your stores." point well taken and " buy organic lemons, if for no other reason than because the puckered tips make great nipples to stuff your bra." good idea!
the book is just so lovely and i must say, i like you too, amy...
Love, love, love that book. Found it on my honeymoon and it was a must have!!! I can't wait to have a lumberjack party!!
Also looooove the wonderful Amy Sedaris... just directed one of her plays - THE BOOK OF LIZ... a great read!
Another one of her great ideas is the f*ck it Bucket... I don't think it is in this book... but she keeps a bucket of terrible yummy junk food in her closet... so when she has a bad day... she just goes and gets the f*uck it bucket and eats everything in it!!!
Such a funny gal!
I read this a few months back and wasn't quite sure whether or not to take the recipes seriously. They do look like fun. I loved the book too.
mrs.d ...you just directed one of her plays!? wow! that is cool!
i have to clarify one thing, the f*ck it bucket is the brain child of her brother, paul "the rooster" sedaris. other brother, david has an entire chapter about the rooster and his confectionary remedy to all life's problems...(such as lima beans, shattered nerves, broken hearts and fallen arches) in his book "me talk pretty one day". i recommended reading that one as well.
LOVE LOVE LOVE David and Amy. (Saw The Book of Liz last year and loved that too!)"I Like You" is so amazing I can't believe how much creativity and information she managed to cram in one book! (And how much more attractive she looks than on Strangers with Candy!) :)I think that you would be besties too!
Amy is hilarious. I love seeing her interviewed. So funny. I've seen the book but never picked it up. Now, it's a must!
I'd love to see you come up with a kooky tome like this - you'd be so great!
I picked that up at the library & thought it was hysterical, in my own off sort of way.
I had to pop over from a very mary designs blog! Love the tip on the Amy Sedaris book!
My hubby The Baron Mondo Von Doren bought me this book last year for our wedding anniversary. I absolutely adore it.
I bought this book after Christmas with some christmas cash! Have to say I LOVE IT!! I have it displayed on the bookshelf in my living room. Just love her!
looks like a fun book, thanks for recommending it! I enjoy your blog!
Oh how I love the Sedarises (?). I haven't read this one because the library doesn't have it and I'm too broke to splurge on it, but I think I'll move it to the top of my Christmas wish list!
i want to be amy's friend, too! it must be fate that the barnes and noble is on my way to joann fabrics and i have to go there today to replenish my bias tape supply...fate i tell you! can't wait to read it.
I tagged you for a meme
Rules on my blog
I lOVE this book! I got it for Xmas from hubby and die laughing everytime I pick it up! I love David Sedaris too! Great read!
Wow that really is up your alley!
Hilarious. Thanks for my newest Amazon acquisition.
My mom bought this book, at my suggestion, and she's been cracking up at the turn of every page. Such a funny book! My favorite is the picture series showing the reader how to put on a pair of panty hose!
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