Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Squirt Melon Punch


It's a new Bar-B-Q trick!
I found this image out in internetland so we can't reference "next page" for the recipes, our minds will just have to wander.

What constitutes as a "punch"?  Because all I did was hollow out a watermelon, pour a liter of diet lemon lime soda in and garnished it with melon balls and strawberries.  That's just not enough to be a punch.  Some other beverage or sherbet or juice needs to be involved.

Wait...wait..wait.  The next line says "Mixed drinks almost make themselves when you start with Squirt.  Experiment, you can't miss!"

A-ha!  It's some kind of rum infused Jungle Juice! 
That explains the bottom line of suggesting the kids make Squirt-kebobs and Squirtcicles, the parents are gassed and don't know what they are saying. 

If I made one of these for a party I'd have to keep an eye on my old pal Bernice.
She would think the whole "punch bowl" was her drink vessel,  adding a straw and then complaining about not having a cocktail umbrella for it!

Cheer Up!

I used this vintage green glass beverage bottle as a fake Squirt bottle in the past post and then realized it needs it own post.

Cheer Up
A Delightful Drink
A Real Super Charged  Beverage

Must be full of caffeine right?

 Nope.  Full of Lithium.
For Hospital, Home, and General use.

General use?!  What's that mean?
If my plants are looking a bit a droopy Cheer Up could help?

Squirt Bottle Box

Here is the little vintage Squirt Soda box I used in a previous post along with scans for your crafting pleasure: 

Ooohh! Recipes!
Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun!

If you don't like fun, then you better not drink Squirt.


Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Chocolate Charlotte Pie


I had half a package of Lady Finger cookies left over after the Frito Kid July party and then came across this vintage recipe that made good use of them!

The original recipe calls for making stove top pudding and adding gelatin to it and then whipping the topping...nope.  I just went with instant pudding and cool whip. I didn't have plans of cutting it into wedges and just scooped it into bowls, lunch lady style!

Sunday, July 04, 2021

Frito Kid July 4th Party


July's installment for the Frito Kid's Party Ideas for Kiddies 1954 calls for a July 4th Party.  oh...woopie.

Fourth of July rates as my second least favorite holiday (easter taking gold).  Let me count the ways.  
1. It's so damn hot that I am sweating my nonexistent balls off.  2. It seems to be a day for the rednecks to be even more rednecky...It's not just "beef, beer, bbq"'s also about blowing shit up for them.  Git er done with some illegal Alabama fireworks!  I pray every year for those fireworks to take out as many Busch beered grimy fingers as possible.  3. There is also the fact that blue is a hideous color...yes, fact.  Certain shades of blue are known to be so hideous they can cause the viewer to have a strong desire to relieve the disgust by means of removing their eyeballs with a melon baller.  Unfortunately our American flag contains this precise shade of blue.  
  So I was looking forward to this party spread just as little as May's theme involving prissy ass fairies. 

Let's get this over with:
The Spread, with minimal blue barf.

Ice cream on sticks dunked in crushed Fritos.  This is sooo good!

Fruit Punch, just a powder drink mix.

Lady Finger cookies...I gave them some Frito fingernails!

There you have it. 
 Eyeballs still in place. Rednecks in the ER.  Fritos in ice cream... It's a great 4th after all!
 Until next month!