Look at this interesting "package" I got this weekend!
Barb sent it to me! And look at all the stuff she was able to squeeze into a 3 liter bottle! She knows how much I love Halloween and sent me all sorts of gross and cool things.

Okay, here are all the goods: plastic spiders, Halloween ribbons, handmade Halloween shrinky dink pins (very cool barb!), small pumkin tablecover, red and pink edible glitter, candy teeth, squishy gross ball with blood and bugs and maggots, cute tissues with monkey faces, wooly willy magnetic hair game (I have always wanted one of these!), flashing teeth, very interesting candy called ' butt ugly Martians', pattern for a large soft tooth, Halloween iron-ons, and recipes for neat Halloween inspired treats! Whew! If something is missing Barb, it's because pumpkinbutt thought these were things for him and took off with it!
Thank you soo much Barb!
heehee. Glad you liked it. I love that gross cookbook! That bottle was a mega big size Shasta from the 99 cent store, although any bottle will work. I may have to post about this on my blog when I get my computer fixed.
Ah, Pumpkinabutt must have snagged the pirate ducky. That was for him anyway :)
What a great surprise! And such a clever packing device...
I've gotta know how to fit stuff into a 3-liter bottle!
wait do you cut off the bottom?????? how'd ya do it
I'm dying to know how you got the items OUT of the bottle! What a fun surprise!
That's amazing that she got all that in there!
I'll be doing a tutorial on my blog soon, and will let you know when it's up. I'm still having computer issues, grrrr
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