I didn't mean to go so overboard with the rabbit theme it's just that I kept finding great rabbit images. The one used on the front interior had 2 rabbits in the shades of hers so I had to use it! (BTW, on the little horizontal piece on paper I handstamped her name but I edited it out just in case she doesn't want folks to know her name, didn't want anyone to wonder what the hell is up with that sliver of paper! ). It has been over 7 years since I made a handbond book and this one didn't turn out perfect by any means.. I enjoyed making it ; it brought back alot of old art school memories.
The third part of the swap was to include things about yourself...Whether it be your town, your interests, your favorite past time, your love of pickled pig's feet... I went with a 'MEME' type book with photos, stories and other odd's n' ends.
I'm not going to bore everyone with putting up every single page. That is if you have even made it this far without nodding off! Ha ha!
The last part of the swap was 'stuff from your stash'...Craft wise. I sent a bunch of buttons, trims, some Japanese candy called 'white rabbit' (again with the rabbit theme) and the extra iron-on I made of the geisha girl on the cover of the book.
My gal told me she loved everything and it absolutely made my day that she did.
p.s. I will work on doing a tute or at least a 'how-to' on the little bunny!
p.p.s I don't like pickled pig's feet
How can you be a true Southern girl and not like pickled pigs' feet? Only kidding, of course! I'm from Mississippi, and the idea of eating them makes me feel icky. That book is beautiful, you should give us a tutorial about that.
i wish you were my art teacher.
I'm dying.....and I love you.......I mean, I love your stuff : )
By the way! I thought you might like this fabric (I thought of you when I saw it):
If you do: Here's the link to locate and buy it.
Just found your blog and I love it all, you are one heck of a gal! Can't wait to delve into your archives further. Love your work!
The bunny is too cute for words, and the book looks totally pro - your swap partner is a lucky gal!
handmadegirl~i would love to give a tute on the book but it is waay too complicated to show and explain for me through here. When i learned, we got together in a group and it was really nice that way...i guess like a stitch n' bitch is.
Gina~ i have seen that fabric and it is sooo cute! Fabric Attic is one of my favorite on-line haunts!
Cool : )
That bunny is very adorable, and the book is very cool. : )
Very cute! I especially like the bunny.
How can I find out about this (or other) swap things!? (got here from a google search for sock animals!)
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