I started working on this recon months ago (along with
this one and
this one) and finally got it finished! This shirt started life as a huge mans short sleeve tent. I stream lined the sides to give it a girly figure, cut the neck line to be more rounded and then made puffy sleeves for it. I didn't have a pattern so I don't really have any how-to's...I just had to "make it work!".
I do have this pic to share showing a preliminary of the pre-poof sleevage:

btw, how do you guys like my new school glasses? My mom got them for me. I think they make me look nerdy cute and boost up my IQ by at least 5 points. Oh! I'm going to school to finish my bachelors degree in fine art, for those who had asked. Yep, one of those degrees that guarantees I'll be dancing in the street for nickels.
I was so going to compliment you on the new glasses! Love them!
And I covet that shirt. To die for puffy sleeves. Sigh...
BAs in the arts are also quite useful for working at call centers...
btw, great shirt and glasses combo!
Love the glasses and I always love what you do with t-shirts.
I am going to have to take a crack at the remaking of a t-shirt sometime. You always inspire me. Thanks
I've never seen you NOT look totally adorable and cute, but yes, the glasses are way fab! Good for you for returning to school. Get the fine arts degree because it's important to you. That is all that matters. Job, schmob, you'll probably always get more satisfaction from your own pursuits no matter what "job" you end up with. Just my two cents. (You know, in case you asked!)
Love the t-shirt! Love the puffy sleeves. Where can I get one for myself?
i think this is my fav t-shirt! i love the puffy sleeves. And the specs are fab too! :OD
awww it's so cute & love the puffy sleeves!! :))
My fav T overhaul too! I heart puffy sleeves. I'd need a tutorial to do that though.
Love the blog!
Look here, Mary. I happen to have nerdy glasses and a degree in English, so don't go getting all hoity-toity because you think you're the supreme unemployable nerd... ha ha! Love the new shirt and the new specs...
very cute! I have a bunch of t shirts from the 80's that i have to do that to!
So cute! I envy how you can alter a shirt all on your own.
I too, took a course of study where you actually DO get paid nickles for singing AND dancing in the street.
you gals make me smile! thanks for that!
The sleeves on that shirt are awesome! I'm totally impressed.
That's so cute and clever - I have a similar giant shirt sitting in my cupboard which might just get a second chance at life now I've seen this. Let's just hope I can 'make it work'!
Love the shirt, it looks great! The sleeves are adorable. xoxo!
P.S. Rockin new spec's :)
that's pretty freakin' cool! and where did you find a shirt with such a nice logo/print on it?
that didn't post properly - the previous comment was from me
~jen~ i got this shirt as a gift a number of years ago, actually from the same friend that gave me the shirt i made into a corset. If i find out more info i'll pass it on!
you look cute, with or without glasses but I agree that you look smarter in glasses, I don't know why though. It's not like you one would look stupid without them, righ? Well, just wanted to comment on the t-shirt. Cute fit and cool print!
Wow, you are really good at that, it's so cute on you.
It is sooo cute! I love it, and it looks great on you.
Love the glasses & the t - nice job.
I also have a BFA and it works great for getting jobs in finance. Doh. :|
Good luck!
I'm loving this shirt. Any advise on how to make the sleeves?
the only additional info i can give about the sleeves is to look at the way i cut them bigger than the opening. i did this so i could run a gathering stitch on each edge... i didn't have a pattern for this, i just studied another puffy sleeved tee i had and cut and recut, stitched and restitched til i got the look and the fit i wanted.
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