Saturday, December 09, 2006

Astro Holiday Anguish Alleviation Hors d'oeuvre Tree

It's the Holidays again and people are starting to have that need to throw get-togethers, parties and other such forms of beguilements. Some of these parties are quite enjoyable, meaning they involve an open bar. But then there are some that are dreaded and you know attending will be like having the very life sucked out of your ever loving soul. The likelihood of being invited to a party or two of this type is just inevitable. To help ease some of the discomfort of those awkward moments when you have to be civil to your ex and his need to bring his trashy skank ass new girlfriend (who invited them anyway?!), I present to you a show-stopping, attention getting, ice breaker (yeah, it does all that!) appetizer center piece to lighten up the need for antidepressants and cure the misery. It works like this:

You: "Oh, Steve...Hi, I see you brought a ' friend' "

Steve: "Yeah, that's Jenni. We met in a chat room for girls that like to dot the i's in their names with hearts but are sadden by the fact keyboards don't have that function. It is a real tragedy to her."

You: "Ah ha.. nice...Wow, well she sure seems quite friendly..."

Steve: "Why do say it like that?"

You: "Well, because she has been making out with the DJ for the past five minutes...(this is that awkward moment I spoke of)..... Hey! Have you seen this marvelous Astro Olive Hors d'oeuvre Tree I made?"

***The Astro Olive Tree***

I based the idea after Charles Phoenix's most amazing Astro Weenie Tree (that's him and his tree below). I opted for green olives, pepperoni and cubes of Muenster cheese instead..... No weenies. I'm a bit surprised at myself for missing an opportunity to use weiners again but I gotta mix it up a bit, ya know?

Charles Phoenix
Doesn't he look like a fun guy?

He got his idea from this vintage slide. Pretty funny!
By the looks of things, that tree is the life of the party.

But wait! There's more! An added bonus of merriment! If you make an Astro Weenie Tree you can submit a photo and accompaning story to Mr. Phoenix's blog for show and tell!

The How-To:

For a visual guide watch Charles Phoenix's video. And it is true, the jars of toothpicks make wonderful percussion instruments.

The basic idea is to cover a styrofoam cone in aluminum foil, "glue" the base of the tree down to a plate with peanut butter (I used honey and it worked well) and just stick a bunch of food on toothpicks in to it.



Anonymous said...

How divine!

Red Rocket said...

Ummm.....I'm almost positive that's my grandmother's living room. Yep, for sure her finest home setting, minus the wall plaque that read, "To know a man is to walk a mile in his moccasins. Anonymous"

Anonymous said...

Oh, sure. It's all fun cocktail snacks and hors d'oeuvres with you people - until someone loses an eye.

Anonymous said...

I am totally going to make one of these for my Santa Claus vs the Space Martians Christmas party, it looks out of this world!

Jennifer W. said...

I hope you sent your pic to Charles - he will positively fall in love with it (and you!)

jungle dream pagoda said...

I am so tempted to join in the astro Tree making!

Anonymous said...

So...the hot dogs are cooked before they go on the tree? I would only like making one of these if it were completely edible & in a manner that they could be eaten soon enough for it to be safe....maybe I wouldn't make one with hot dogs. :-)

Anonymous said...

How adorable! And the tree looks pretty yummy, too!

Anonymous said...

Love it! Wish I could open up my time machine and bring the weiner man to 2007 for a cocktail party.

Jennifer Shrier said...

This will HANDS DOWN be THE crowning glory at our 'Cheesy Christmas' themed party this year. And I mean that in the best possible way! Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for this post! I can't wait to show this off at our party. Ahhhhhhhhsome!!