I didn't know what a croquette was but I was intrigued by the name along with the image of them on the back of an old cook booklet I had ( Cooking with Condensed Soups...Again!)
However, it included no recipe at all, only a suggestion of using condensed soups to pour over croquettes. They gave me the impression that everyone should already know the 'what and how' of croquettes. Well I needed to know, as to not embarrass myself in front of the other housewife types. I pulled a few other cook books out and discovered that these croquettes for one are deep fried.... Ahgrr! I am very much into cooking/baking but deep frying anything is where I put my foot down. It's messy, unhealthy and above all SMELLY! I don't mind if someone else wants to do the frying, as long as I am not around to where my clothes get that smell in them. (I do love french fries so I let Wendy's do that for me!) And no, I have never worked in fast food or a restaurant of any kind, so that's not where this strong opinion comes from. Anyway, so I was going to nix making them until I saw a recipe on the same page for 'cheese pineapple fritters'. Cheese PINEAPPLE fritters?! I love pineapple...I have always liked the word 'fritter' (it's just goofy sounding) and they also have to be deep fried..Okay, Fine! You got me, I'll try it out. I figured I would just make a whole artery clogging deep fried dinner..Hell, let's deep fry the salad too!
2 cups cooked rice, 2 well beaten egg yolks, 1 tsp salt, 1/8 tsp cayenne pepper, 3 tbsp grated cheese, 1/2 cup cream of mushroom or chicken soup, 2 slightly beaten egg whites, 1 cup dry bread crumbs.
Combine rice , egg yolks, seasonings, cheese, and soup. Spread thin on a plate;Chill thoroughly. Shape in croquettes (by this they mean cone shaped I guessed); dip into egg whites, then bread crumbs. Fry in deep hot fat (375 degrees) until golden brown. Drain on absorbent paper. Serve with leftover heated cream soup drizzled over tops.
1 cup sifted flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder, 1 cup cottage cheese, 3/4 cup drained canned crushed pineapple, 1 egg separated
Sift flour and baking powder together. Combine mashed cottage cheese, pineapple and slightly beaten egg yolk and mix well. Stir into dry ingredients, mixing just enough to moisten. Fold in stiffly beaten egg white and drop by teaspoons into hot deep fat (360 degrees). Fry until brown. I decide on my own to sprinkle with powdered sugar.
This is the cookbooklet (cir. 1954) I got the fritter recipe out of. It had a croquette one too but it called for too many things I didn't have. I got the above croquette recipe from Better Homes and Gardens Cook Book (cir. 1951)
The croquettes were actually pretty good. Even pumkinbutt liked them. The fritters were only okay. Which was disappointing.
So now my poor kitchen reeks of grease ....Better bake a cake to freshen it up!