Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Not one of dad's best ideas

Popular Mechanics Home Handyman Encyclopedia Vol.1 1962

This set of How-To books contain many a bad idea, like for instance.... an INDOOR SHOOTING GALLERY!!! Click on the image folks and try to tell me that dad and jr. don't have a deranged "this is gonna piss mom off" look on their faces! I see some couch time in dad's future for making this crazy thing and do I have to say it?...."You'll shot your eye out!"

And don't even ask me to post the instructions for making this...I'm not going to be responsible!


Jennicakes said...

Honestly, I'm tempted to make that just for decor. I'm not a gun person at all, so I'd never use it, but it looks like a fun project anyway!

Anonymous said...

lol , that cracks me up! Dad looks like he wants to sleep on the couch for a month and knows a good way to go about getting it. (And is an eerily similar expression Reggie would have when trying to get one over on Archie).

teacherarbc said...

LOL---I remember those Popular Mechanics Encyclopedias--they really did have, like everything you could think of to build, crazy stuff...And yeah, those facial expressions are priceless...too funny!!!

Anonymous said...

Hahahah! As soon as i saw the picture, before i even got down to READING your post,the first thing that i, too, thought, was:
It's funny, when i was a kid, my dad gave me a bb gun, which i loved...i was such a tomboy...but i allow my own kids NO GUNS. Sometimes i feel alittle guilty...maybe i should make them an indoor shooting gallery to make up for years of depravation of firearms! LOL!

Very Mary said...

Well, it doesn't beat my indoor knife-throwing arena, but it's a close runner-up!

Miss RM said...

I saw this whole set of encyclopedias at a yard sale last weekend. You've just made me regret not picking them up!

Monica said...

Very cool

We had toy guns as kids and all of us are late 30's early 40's and no one has ever been in jail or even owned a gun :) :)

hey you know I just nocticed now my logo has a family shopping and the boy has a gun......