Oh, Mistress House! We have all been eagerly awaiting your arrival! We have reserved a special table for you in the Promanade Room, Please..Follow me!
Chef Marione' has planned an exquisite Polynesian feast with just you in mind. First, he has prepared a fine exotic cocktail for you. It is a Mandarin Fruit Spritzer with Fresh Papaya juices.

And for your appetizer...Marinated Mushrooms in a Rice Vinegar and Hot Cilantro blend.
Now, your main course, Mistress House, the Chef offers you Broiled Coconut Ham in a rich cream sauce, along with Mango Yellow Rice and Grilled Pineapple.

We hope you saved room for dessert. The chef presents a heavenly Dark Chocolate Fruit Fondue. Delicious dried fruits which include pineapple, banana and apricots along with crushed cashew nuts and flaked coconut. I must let you know, Chef Marione' grew all these fruits in his private garden. He only brings them out for special guests as yourself!
Mistress House, we humbly appreciate your visit to our dining establishment. We hope you enjoyed your meal and will dine with us again in the near future! And by the way, my wife loves your blog, could I get your autograph?
Oh yes, ma'am..The restroom is down the hall, past the kitchen.

No! Please refrain from entering the kitchen! No, of course those are not the ingredients we used for your meal..I know they look like cheap dollar store items! Detri'?! Where did these items come from? Oh...? They did?
Even the : cashews, dried banana chips, brown sugar, tropical fruit cocktail in papaya juice, canned Treet meat, yellow rice, mandarin orange slices, cream of chicken soup, Shasta Tiki punch, pineapple slices, marinated mushrooms, dried apricots, flaked coconut and microwavable chocolate dipping sauce (not pictured, Detri' had already grabbed it and had begun hiding items when he heard the footsteps coming down the corridor)?

And the table setting too? Detri' !!
All of it? 2 resin Tiki statues (got last year from Dollar Tree), 4 green glass votive holders (came in sets of 2), votive candles, 2 bamboo wicker trays, 2 martini glasses, 2 water glasses, 4 bamboo placemats, 1 bush of white lilies, 3 bushes of tropical foliage, 2 green place mats used as napkins, set of 3 medium glass bowls and a set of 4 small glass bowls, and bamboo foodpicks (not pictured)?
So!..The only thing that wasn't from this Dollar Store was the wax paper used to the line the trays and the silver bamboo handle flatware that we are ready had on hand?!
Mistress House, please accect our apologies! Detri' has an obsession with Dollar Tree stores and I will have a talk with him! In lieu of this whole fiasco I will tear up your bill of $38 and some change!
Why yes ma'am, please tell me what you really thought of the meal? Oh..? The only thing edible was the fondue? And we can find the rest of the meal hidden under the fake foliage..Thank you ma'am...We truely appreciate your comments. We understand if you never choose to dine with us again!Detri'! Come with me! (below is the view of the table setting that Detri' enjoyed as he flew over the table from his "getting a talking to")
This is my submission for the 99 Cent Challange, a proposal by Jen, of the Felt Mouse.. I believe you can vote on the entries by leaving comments under their picture in flicker and only one vote per person. I think
Jen will have the rules for voting up for you all on Feb. 6th.
Hope you all can 'chew' on this post for a bit, I have been a little under the weather and might be away a couple of days .
Jen! I had a blast doing this..Esp. writing this post! This was such a great idea!