As part of the 2 year shindig of
mhicty i am giving a tour of another room in my real house (
last year's here). This time it's pumpkinbutt's nursery. i sadly disassembled it last weekend. i tried my best to keep him baby-fied as long as possible but he's just not into pink fuzzy old teddy bears and rabbits like i am. (above image is from inside of the crib...my infatuation over these little darlings is best not discussed, i would be committed)

here is his crib.. yes, it's old and it's not up to code.. i can fit a coke can between the rails...he's fine...really! so on to the bedding. i made everything from an old white chenille polka dotted twin sized bed spread. bought both the crib and bed spread at thrift stores. actually... bought those curtains at a thrift store years earlier as well.

awww... there are the old cutesy fuzzy critters! the little bookshelf is the top section of a old china cabinet, got it at a yard sale for 4 bucks. the dresser was a hand me down. i repainted all the mismatched furniture so it would seem cohesive.

the laundry hamper (seen left) and the "Baby Tenda". get it? baby tender..baby tenda? ah ha! got both of these from different antique malls years apart. i have had a thing for old baby stuff longer than the desire to have a little bugger to put in them. years ago i used the hamper for magazine storage. the Baby Tenda is a pretty neat contraption really. the legs, seat and foot rest are all adjustable and the back of the seat converts it into a flat table.

this is the top of the Baby Tenda. those images are so flippin' cute i decided to make the wall hangings based after them.

one of four said wall hangings. they are made of white foam board (lightweight to reduce any injuries) and acrylic paint ( no lead paint here! just in case he decided to gnaw on them) i used a projector to get the images on the foam board, traced them in with a pencil and painted them in the chosen color scheme.
one day when i have my own little craft room i plan on hanging his head/foot board and cutie critters on the walls.
well, now it's on to