Since my house doesn't have a porch I 'used' a house down the street that was for sale (hence the lock box that I didn't take note of!!)

here is a detail of the cool vine-ish stitch pattern my sewing machine can do. This was my first time using the special stitches and this one proved hard for me to keep it straight, as you can see. I do like the green thread contrast with the lavender bias tape, it has that going for it!
Totally in continue to outdo yourself!
You are just too cute! Love that smock apron, very pretty and very flattering!
very cute! i'm wondering what the neighbors thought of you out there on that porch or if the realtor had shown up.
i found your blog while surfing one day, just love it. you are so creative and i love your sense of humor.
cute apron. cute pics.
your cake looks great. i wanna try it out asap :)
wow! a flattering smock! absolutely fantastic
Very cute. I really like the lavender and green together. And great pics, too!
Love the pics. What kind of camera do you use? Your pics are so sharp. Love the idea of remaking a vintage pillowcase!
That is so cute and awesome! My attempts at this months' theme are too hideous to even speak of. You did an amanzing job!!!
Adorable apron and adorable photos. You are awesome!
Hi! love the smock, how does it look in the back? it is beautiful! thanks for all the good ideas!
you are too cute for christmas. seriously.
Oh! You are cute as hell! The good hell. The one me and all my friends will be at.
If'n you ever do another apron/recipe swap, count me in. Looks like I missed all the fun.
girl, you are so friggin' cute. i can't even stand it :)
Too cute.I love the colors!
You are way too cute! I love the smock. I was looking for patterns to make one for myself and couldn't find one I like...give directions...Pleeeaaaassssseeee!
You are AMAZINGLY ADORABLE! cracked me up with using the for sale homes porch! (hee hee)
Be sure to come on by my newest Blog
to see if there is anything you cant live without and must BARTER- SWAP for.
really fab smock... definitely flattering and cute, and all from a pillowcase! brilliant!
so cute!
so did you clean up the spilled milk, or leave it at the borrowed house?
hee hee
love that you used a pillow case~ wonderful!
Aw, I am just dying in your absolute cuteness! It looks great, you look great, the poses are great.
I love your smock~
the photos are great too, have you thought of turning them into postcards?
So incredibly cute.
You're so funny, too!
is everything ok?? you haven't posted since the 31st. hope all is well and you are just taking a vacation. miss you!
hi friends! answers to ?'s are as followed:
my camera is a Kodak Easy Share.
The back of the smock is nothing special. it's cut straight up the back and
has a couple of ties made from bias tape. Directions on making this are that
i just made it up as i went...i did have another apron that was form fitting
and i laid it down over the pillowcase and traced out the waist lines. i
did clean the milk up on the porch. i'm not that rude! ha ha! i have never
thought of making my pics into postcards but i do love that idea, only i
doubt anyone would buy them. Also, thank you gregg for asking where i was,
time just got away from me and i didn't realize that nearly a week had past
by. It was nice to be missed!
thank you to everyone for all the kind comments, they really makes my day,
no, they makes my week! :)
You are such a biddy. Love your blog.
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