These two little cuties are vintage Asian chalkware bobbleheads with magnets on their lips so they appear to be kissing. i used to go through absurd phases where i
needed certain items
, and i was quite obsessed with getting a set of these guys. purchased on ebay, can't remember for how much. i collect vintage Asian stuff so... more to come, much more. a whole china cabinet full along with an entire dining room...like i said, i was obsessed.

here is a frontal view. awwwwww sooo cute! note the "Let's Kiss" motto on the bottom. just darling.
Heavens to Mother Kali,I am schvitzing!!! I am Schvetzing! I ... don't know what that means.
As my sites name might suggest ,I too have an unrequited passion for vintage asian. What a score! Whatever you paid it was worth it!
Ah, me love you long time.... cute
So glad I am not the only one who goes thru phases of collecting.I am currently in a paint by number, brown transferware, travel memorabilia,funky cookbook,costume jewelry, purse phase. Yea, I know,. Our house is packed.
My kissing couple is a 2 inch high plastic set that I have had for 40 years....now that's lasting love!
That is so cute! Why not get into a swap with bloggers who live in Asia so you can get kitchy stuff like that in a swap? You can send them some authentic kitchy items from your place.
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