Here are the items I picked up at the Red Level, Al estate sale. I spent most of my picking time rummaging through the 100 storage bins with all of the items wrapped in packing paper.

This adorable cowboy is made from plastic and is actually a pitcher! The arm pulling out the gun is the handle, the spout is the pointed gun and the hat is the lid.
This adorable cowboy is made from plastic and is actually a pitcher! The arm pulling out the gun is the handle, the spout is the pointed gun and the hat is the lid.
A sealed jar of peanut butter...but it doesn't look like peanut butter anymore. I am planning on cleaning out the jar, that will be an experience.
Another one of these mid century planters. I have been wanting an additional one to use for holiday decorating. They are great for displaying blow molds on.
A 1956 Elvis handkerchief.
The prices were a bit high(ish) so I used restraint in choosing my purchases. There were a bunch of great things though: Tom's and Lance jars and metal racks, chenille bedspreads (one even with a western theme but it was for a twin bed), mid-century swanky swig type drinking glasses, old soda bottles, metal marx toys, Hop Along Cassidy kid's western outfits, feedsack quilts, and who knows what else was snatched up during the first two hours of the sale.
I have one more item I bought that will be coming up next. The item has several sides and photos so I thought I would let it have it's own post. My total for all of these items was 50 bucks, which wasn't too bad, considering just the Elvis handkerchief ranges for 100-700 dollars on ebay.
What fabulous finds, Mary! My mom would flip over that Elvis hankie...she's a huge Elvis fan. Good luck with cleaning out the peanut butter jar! I bet that will be an experience!
The stuff in the peanut butter jar looks like grape jelly or tar. There were about 5 of these unopened jars out in the barn. I picked the one with the best label.
There were 2 of the cowboy pitcher. Another lady had in her pile an amazing metal toy car and a camper trailer with lithographs of children waving from the windows. If I was a dishonest person I would have grabbed that for sure. There was only one Elvis handkerchief...that I found. It would be really neat if there was some online forum for people who attended the sale to post what they got. I really would love to see everyone's finds!
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