I am going to be out of my mind, i mean out of town for the next week !
NEW NEWS (7-19-05) : Due to crisis after crisis, I was gone longer than a week. First a hurricane which kept me out of town longer than expected, then no power for a week when I did return home, then a personal sadness happen unexpectedly. We are all trying to recover and get back to
normal around here.
Let's see...... Let's talk about fun stuff. While I was away at my Mom's in NC for the first week before the madness broke loose we did get to have some fun. One day we went thrifting .I got a vintage white ceramic planter for$ .81. Which, by the way Mom, I couldn't find when I left your house, so keep an eye out for it! Then we were going to go to this really cool diner called The penguin for lunch . It is such a neat place ! It opened up in the 40's or 50's. It has a juke with all old country and rockabilly music , solid wood paneling walls, and black and red checkered floor. It is owned by (as my one of my best friends would say) " Hot Tattooed Greaser Guys". And they have Fried Dill Pickles! SOOO good! Well on the way to finding a parking place we saw this other run down looking diner called The Diamond . It looked a little intimidating on the outside but it had a lot of people going in, so we thought what the heck. It turned out to be a pretty neat place. We learned that it opened up in the 40's. They only have water, coffee, and tea to drink and they serve southern types of food. My mom got fried chicken livers and I got fried chicken tenders, It was all really good.
On another day we went to a BIG fabric store called Mary Jo's. They have Michael Miller and Aunt Grace for 5.00 and less a yard, and that's not on sale! I got a few yards of an Aunt Grace print of little green dragonfly looking flowers for 4.95 a yard to make this cool halter dress from a pattern I got from my mom while I was up there.
I also discovered (from my mom) 2 really cool shows that come on The Game Show Network called "what's my line" and "beat the clock". They are both in black and white and made around 1955. But we don't have that channel here in hurricane alley!
This month has been so full that I didn't get much time for anything crafty. I did help my cousin make a purse from some John deer fabric that she got at Mary Jo's. I had bought fabric before I left to make my Pink lemonade apron for Tie One On this month but it's just not going to happen. I was also suppose to write an article for my friend's zine this month but that's not going to happen either. I'm not dealing with deadlines this month, I've dealt with enough stress this month and I'm not going to give myself some more by pushing myself to get those projects done.
So there!!!
1 comment:
Hello Mellie,
I just love you blog. It's so interesting reading about .the things you have done or are thinking about doing!!!! Have you tried any of the recipes in the new vintage cookbooks I gave you when you were up here? Let me know.
Can't wait till your next entry and photos!!!
Love, Mom
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