I'm a bad, awful, terrible daughter... I just got these very belated gifts for my mom for mother's day and her birthday to her. I could throw out a bunch of excuses right now but let's just get to the goods instead!
First off is something I made:

These are pot holders I made from the fabric Jenn sent
awhile back. It is a Michael Miller fabric with retro style s & p shakers on it (click on image to enlarge it). The woman-my mom, needed some good pot holders... All she had were these wimpy paper thin ones that you had to use 3 of them together and that still was living on the edge of third degree burns. I made these nice and thick but admitly didn't try them out because I didn't want to get them dirty! Hopefully I haven't set my mom up with a disaster!
These I bought:

They are handmade cards by
Mary Ann. Aren't they cute? It was hard to not keep them for myself! I love how each card is a little bit different but the same... very clever!
i have got so much stuff to put up for you all to see ... geez...just need the time!
The potholders are simply Divoon!!!
love the potholders! That fabic is too cute! :) And the cards are adorable too!
Hi MAry,
Being a Mother, a grandmom, and a daughter, I can report there is no wrong time for sending a gift=)
Im so fed up with photo hosting probs TBB may have to be put on hold until the fall.
Your packaged REALLY is going to the PO tomorrow =)
Oooh- your picture of my cards is so much better than my pictures of my cards. Maybe I can hire you to take fabulous photos... hee hee!
Mellie, I would LOVE,LOVE them anytime I got them!!! They are sooo cute and well made, and I might add, much more cushy than the ones I had. I have used them, but I try very carefully not to let them get dirty, and I haven't gotten burnt using them individually!!! And Danny, well he is stuck using his OVGLOVE!!! I'm not taking any chances with him ruining my new beauties!!!! You are such a precious daughter and I LOVE you sooooooo much!!!!!! Thank you again. LOVE, MOM
Mellie, now for my notecards. Absolutely gorgeous!!!!! Maryann did a beautiful job on these. I have shown them to the girls at the hospital and they are so very jealous!!! They loved all my gifts and want you to be their daughter!!! NEVER, you are way too cool for those girls, I tell them!!!!!! LOVE you bunches and bunches, Mom
Those are so cute! Your adorable potholders look great with the cards, quite a match.
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