Have you seen the new craft magazine out called Creative TECHniques yet? It features crafting projects that can be done using your home computer and printer along with some tutes on software. The fall 2006 edition is out right now and has quite a few pretty cool projects. This being one of them. It is a project for turning plain whiskey-ish bottles into "fun" bottles of embalming fluid!
interesting glass bottle (I found mine left empty on a bench in a park...Honestly. Hey, it was free! )
mod podge
small amount strong brewed coffee or tea
water tinted with food coloring
a couple of paint brushes
In your computer, if needed, resize images. Print. Cut out labels. Age paper, if deserved, with strong tea or coffee by applying on with a paintbrush. Let dry. Affix to bottle with mod modge. Paint coat of mod podge on adhered label. Fill bottle with colored water. Done.
A number of these in different sizes and shapes with varying colors of water would make a really neat Halloween centerpiece. Also soaking off labels on full bottles of wine or other liquors and then applying on these labels instead, would be a grand idea for a party or gift.
Oh! And Martha-online has these creepy candy jar labels
worth doing something with as well.