Friday, June 01, 2018

Happy Doughnut Day!

Today is National Doughnut Day!  Doughnuts should be celebrated everyday in my opinion, if it wasn't for all of those pesky calories!

A few months back I picked up this official Krispy Kreme doughnut Cake Mix at dollar tree just for today's celebration.  I love stuff like this when cakes taste like cookies or cookies taste like bacon!  Did you guys ever try out the Betty Crocker Maple Bacon Cookie mix? ....not too good, but fun anyway! This cake didn't taste like a traditional glazed donut, but like a better version of a cake-donut.  The glaze was very Krispy Kreme-ish flavored.  I thought the glaze was a little thick (even after kneading the package as directed) so I added a dash of milk to thin it out for better spreading.  I also tinted the icing pink and added sprinkles for a more classic Homer Simpson doughnut look.

Mmmmm....Doughnut Cake!

Here's a few more past doghnutty posts!
The Donut Hole California
Donut Cookies and Sundaes
Lard Lad Donuts Springfield