Monday, June 10, 2024

House scraping, sanding, repairing, wood puttying, priming, painting.....ugh.


I thought I would show some of the long, hard, and laborious work I have been doing over the past few months.  These images are showing most of the work up to the priming stage.  I have since gotten all of this painted but I haven't taken photos of it yet since I still need to paint all the window trims and a set of shutters need to be painted and rehung.

Most all of this has had to be done up on a ten foot ladder or even climbing on the roof, which I do not enjoy doing.

Since the heat is horrible right now I am trying to squeeze in all of the last bits here and there in the afternoons if it hasn't rained or isn't going to rain.  I still have a big chuck of the back side of the house that needs everything done to it but that's going to have to wait til next season.

Here is what the house looks like when it doesn't appear to be covered in zinc:


Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Looks nice.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back. We have missed you.

Jennilee said...

So glad you're back, Mary! You were smart to get that work done before heat set in. What an adorable house you have!

jungle dream pagoda said...

Wow ! Looks great !