You're all going to be noticing some changes around here on MHICTy..maybe you already have.
For the past four years my family and I have had traumatic event after horrific devastation. On a "good day" it's just a massive ordeal. We've had deaths and losses that will never heal along with salt and battery acid being rubbed in the wounds. And I'm not exaggerating, I wish I was. I can tell you this, that old adage of "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" is a load of BS. I plugged forward with my MHiCTY posts anyway thinking that working on creative projects would be helpful and be a good distraction. I have presented some well photographed and creative presentations but the writing was lackluster because I'm not in a comical mood. Over the past several months I have been spending a good amount of time outside in nature (well, my yard while working on the exterior of the house) and thinking things through. I now am realizing I have not allowed myself time to attempt to heal or at the very least the grace of understanding just how much I have been through.
Right now I am doing my best to cut back on anything that adds extra work. maintenance, financial commitments, or mental stress. I have also been doing the "inner work" of positive thought (that's hard for a sour ball such as myself) , focusing on the current day, gratitude and Stoic teachings of letting go and caring less. I've cut out keeping up with all the drama and bad news of the world. All of this has been helping however we are now into Summer which causes me seasonal depression since it's impossible to go out and enjoy outdoors, even at night. I have gratitude for air conditioning and early releases of Halloween stuff during this season.
So like I mentioned earlier, changes around here are going to be...I don't even know. Less posts or less posts that involve multiple layers of work. I may start leaning more into life essays and opinions. Rants and venting only if I think they will be comical because I'm staying away from negativity. I don't need to purposefully bring it into my life, it's got no problem seeking me out on its' own (that was a joke?!).
I do expect to be all systems firing for Halloween though!
I hear ya on cutting things out that you cannot influence. I quit FB in November of last year. Its been great ! I'm still on Instagram -because I like to look at pretty pictures of other peoples thrifted treasures ! Plus- where else could I post pics of my elaborate Halloween decor? I'm great with thoughtful essays or cleansing rants!
(hugs) Mary! I hope life improves for you!
I hear ya on cutting things out that you cannot influence.
I quit FB in November of last year. Its been great ! I'm still on Instagram -because I like to look at pretty pictures of other peoples thrifted treasures !
Plus- where else could I post pics of my elaborate Halloween decor?
I'm great with thoughtful essays or cleansing rants!
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