This is the coolest thing ever! A vitual tarot card reading that is all housewife-ish! There are even mystic inspired recipes and neat desktop freebies! The actual tarot cards can be purchased as well! I
will be getting a set of these! Go get your reading and worry no more about making life's decisions! Let the cards tell you what to do!
however did you come across something so perfectly you!?!?
i am *so* going to have to purchase a set of these. okay off to check it out (quickly i might add,i'm at work ;)
Hope you don't mind, but I just HAVE to put this link out on my own blog... This is absolutely the coolest thing! I've been reading your posts for a while, by the way, and you have the most fun and adorable family/life. And your house IS cuter than mine!!!
Ohhh, thank you! How do you find these fun and amazing way to pass the time?
LOVE IT! I'm so glad you found this, and hope that you get a set of the real cards. I also love the recipes, like the Ice Box Fortune Cake - that has MHICTY all over it!
I saw the cards for sale on some website, but I never saw the actual site, its cool!
i have this deck...it is wonderful! You should get it, definitely. I want to scan a few of the cards and print big copies of them to frame+hang in our kitchen once the remodeling is all done! The images are just HILARIOUS, and i can't say enough good things about the deck...HIGHLY recommended!
Good JoB! :)
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