There are many things in the works around 'the house' right now, just nothing completed or photographed yet. Here are a few new things that i can show off in the mean time:
13 magazines i got for 5 bucks! I will be making that cake shown on the front cover on the far right!

I went to see Unknown Hinson last week with dixie doll heather and her hubby. It was a great show! (thanks heather for taking such a lovely photo! Quite suitable for framing!)
On wednesday, i'll be over at the swapatorium. Then on friday.. guess what friday is?! It's My House Is Cuter Than Yours one year Blogiversery! Woo Hoo! I am hoping to have something neat to show but we'll see...Don't get your hopes up or nothing!
I love that fabric! I recently used it in a quilt that I made and it is one of my favorites. You've got good taste;-)
HEy HO! what a pic!!!
I'm gathering together your package and was just inpired to alter on of the items especially for you.
How I love the most unexpected inspirations born our of BLOG Hopping!
Happy Early Blogiversary!!!!!
Did you make your shirt? It is ADORABLE!
miss bliss~ that shirt is one of my fav's! i have just recently been able to squeeze back into it.. i didn't make it. i got it from a friend's-now closed-down-vintage shop about 6 years ago.
oops, I like the fabric you picked for the apron!! And happy blogiversary!! ;)
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